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About Us

Promoting clean energy by providing data driven research to the Fremont Union High School District through community outreach and partnership with local organizations.

Our Goal

As high school students, we're always told that we don't have enough knowledge to achieve change, that we aren't able to actually make a lasting impact. We hope to combat this stereotyping of the youth by doing data-driven research surrounding clean energy, effectively improving the environment. We achieve this goal through four sub-initiatives. By delving into the workings and efficiencies of HVAC systems, we can find more cost efficient solutions to air quality within school buildings. Additionally, we can further improve student life by creating a community surrounding biking. We can finally better Electric Vehicle Transportation by researching more about Electric Vehicle Charger usage, while simultaneously creating an efficient way for the general public to find financial incentives to buy Electric Vehicles.  

Meet The Team

Funded by the Silicon Valley Clean Energy Grant

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